Toy Soldier Spare Foot Bodies
use head LXH1..
Ex Tax: £4.96
use head LXH1..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use head LXH1..
Ex Tax: £4.96
use rifle xa58..
Ex Tax: £4.96
with head..
Ex Tax: £9.25
with head..
Ex Tax: £4.96
arm xa66,67,68..
Ex Tax: £4.96
with head..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use arms xa70,xa71,xa72 heads xh55, xh56 xh57 sheild xa73 of xa74..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use arms xa70,xa71,xa72 heads xh55, xh56 xh57 sheild xa73 of xa74..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use arms xa70,xa71,xa72 heads xh55, xh56 xh57 sheild xa73 of xa74..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use arms xa70,xa71,xa72 heads xh55, xh56 xh57 sheild xa73 of xa74..
Ex Tax: £4.96
with head..
Ex Tax: £4.96
with head..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use head xh1, arms xa17, xa18 xa19 or xa20..
Ex Tax: £4.96
use head xh2 pike xa64..
Ex Tax: £4.96
use xa27 hands to complete figure..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Figure used with gun carriages, machine, nordfeld and maxim...
Ex Tax: £4.96
use xa27 hands to complete figure..
Ex Tax: £4.96
use arms xa53 , 54..
Ex Tax: £4.96
with head..
Ex Tax: £4.96
with head..
Ex Tax: £4.96
use any double arm instrument in arms section..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use mace XA22..
Ex Tax: £5.00
Use bagpipes XA21 XA23 in the arms section..
Ex Tax: £5.00
Use drum and arms in the arms section..
Ex Tax: £5.00
Use Tenor drum XX5 with arms xa24 xa25..
Ex Tax: £5.00
Use Plaid XX4 and arm xa26..
Ex Tax: £5.00
Use head xh45..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use arm/rifle xa57..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Use Flag/standard XS6 and arm xa55..
Ex Tax: £4.96
Showing 1 to 100 of 131 (2 Pages)